Learn about the history of wine-drinking culture through 7 famous paintings. Expand your knowledge of artists including Renoir, Manet and Caravaggio, and significant art movements while getting the inside scoop on historic drinking cultures of France, Italy, Spain and more. Enhance your enjoyment of wine while sharpening your skills of analysis, art interpretation and cultural literacy!
Watch Intro Video

What to Expect

  • Flexible Learning

    Course takes 2 hours to complete with 10-minute segments for ultimate flexibility. Segments include interactives, stories, videos and activities. Customizable learning paths with access for one-year from date of sign-up. Available on a laptop, tablet or smartphone.

  • Develop Your Skills

    Sharpen your skills of visual literacy, critical thinking and cultural analysis with curated content and thoughtful, fun activities. Apply new ideas and perspectives to your life and work by considering the stories behind the artworks, cultural history and diversity of viewpoints.

  • Connect Art to Your Life

    Passive learning is passe! Engaging content and reflection activities connect art and its stories to real life. Experience over 30 images of phenomenal artworks, videos, interactive elements and get involved with thought-provoking activities and (optional) discussion forums. Discover new pathways to inspiration!

Course Outline

Ten-minute segments for learning flexibility!
Click here to sign up for a free preview!

What Learners Have to Say...

Fun, Interactive, Entertaining and Educational

Kathleen W.

Love interacting with the lesson, the instructor is great, interesting and thorough. Love Wine and love art and so I loved the course. Thanks.

Great Course!

Bruce M.

Really enjoyed this course. I was familiar with most of the paintings, yet I appreciated them from a different point of view with the focus on wine. Great insight into different cultures. Good variety and thoughtful. Thank you.

There's More!

Also included in the course:

✓ Access to our exclusive course community forum to share your thoughts, engage with your art guide, read other learners’ points-of-view and get updates on art news!

✓ A guarantee that your art guide will engage with your comments and questions.

✓ Downloadable materials including an ‘Explore More Guide’ with curated websites and course-related content to further your learning and inspiration!

Meet Your Instructor

Hi! I love art and sharing it with others; I also love wine! I’ve recently expanded the scope of wines I drink and creating this course gave me a deeper appreciation and enjoyment of wine and art. I hope it will do the same for you!

As a museum-lover, docent and educator I saw how people wanted to learn about and engage with art, but couldn’t because of barriers inherent to museums and cultural institutions. That’s why I started Art History for Real, to change how people like you experience art with unique online courses like this one. I look forward to meeting you in the course community forum and hearing your thoughts about your favorite works of art and views on wine drinking cultures! Salut!


Learn about famous artworks, artists and unique cultures of wine-drinking through the lens of art featuring wine!